AT&T Clec Online

CLEC Wireline Local Interconnect

CLEC Wireline Local Interconnect


This site only is for CLEC Wireline Local Interconnection.
All Wireless and IXC (FGD) Interconnection uses Wholesale
Prime Access Website

Getting Started/CLEC Start-Up Steps top
  File Getting Started for CLEC/Local Services
  All CLECs must have a negotiated and commissioned approved Interconnection Agreement [ICA] prior to implementing an Interconnection network.
  File New Customer Package for Access Services
  CLEC Start-Up Steps for Access Services out of Tariff/Guidebook

All Start-Up steps and forms must be confirmed ‘Complete’ by the AT&T CLEC Start-Up Team before CLEC can:
  1. submit NIS/Forecast Network Forms and request Joint Planning call, and
  2. submit ASRs for Access Svcs to the appropriate Service Center.

FAQs/Contacts top
Revised: 09/19/23 File All Regions/States CLEC Local Interconnection FAQs & Contacts
Revised: 01/31/19 File All Regions/States General Information for Local Interconnection Trunks (LIT)

Network Forms & Exhibits All Regions/States top
Revised: 07/31/24 File All Regions/States - Network Interconnection Sheet (NIS & Trunking)
  The NIS is utilized for new & major network interconnection changes. All simple augment, downsize, build and kill, switch decoms should utilize the 'Network Change Form'
Revised: 07/10/23 File All Regions/States - Network Change Form
  The 'Network Change Form' replaced the Stand Alone Forecast & Augment/Downsize Forms.
Revised: 06/17/24 File All Regions/States - Reverse NIS
  The Reverse NIS Provides the following information: LATAs, STPs, Tandems/PCs, End Offices/PCs, Rate Centers, Wire Centers.

Network Forms & Exhibits Region Specific top
Revised: 02/10/20 File SE Region/9-State Jurisdictional Factors Reporting Form RF-3995
  AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN - The following jurisdictional factors are required for interconnection and must be reported & on file prior to ASR issuance: TPIU, PIUE, PLU, PLF.
Revised: 02/08/19 File SE Region/9-State Midspan Fiber Meet Checklist Form
  AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN

Network Guides/Tech Pubs All Regions/States top
  File All Regions/States - Tandem Homing Plan & Regional Data Information
  Follow above link and go to: Reference Materials > Wholesale Carrier Information Section > Tandem Homing Plans and Office
  File All Regions/States - Read the 'Roll and Groom' Document for Process Information
  Go to the above link and go to: Ordering > Universal Project Spreadsheets > Roll & Groom Information on the Roll/Groom process, contact emails, etc. Information on the Roll/Groom process, contact emails, etc.
  File All Regions/States - Prime Access: Roll/Groom Process & Universal Projects Spreadsheets Page
  Go to the above link and go to: Ordering > Universal Project Spreadsheets. Utilize the appropriate form for your needs. Based on the 'Roll and Groom' Process Document Instructions.
  File All Regions/States - Prime Access: AT&T 21-State Project Criteria Guidelines Page
  Follow above link and go to: Ordering > Project Criteria & Standard Interval Guide > AT&T 21 State Project Criteria Guidelines. Project Criteria & Standard Intervals
  File All Regions/States 911 Product Guide
  File All Regions/States OS/DA
  Operator Services/Directory Assistance

Network Guides/Tech Pubs Region Specific top
  File MW-SW-W Region/12-State - Bridging & Hubbing Guides
  Follow above link and go to: Ordering > Bridging and Hubbing Guides. CLEC's must review the Bridging & Hubbing Guides when designing a facility serving arrangement with AT&T (the ILEC) so that such arrangements are compliant with the NECA Tariff F.C.C No. 4 requirements. CA, NV, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, IL, IN, MI, OH, WI
Revised: 02/08/19 File SE Region/9-State Jurisdictional Factors Reporting Guide
  Use the RF-3995 Form. AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN
Revised: 02/08/19 File SE Region/9-State Midspan Fiber Meet Guide
  Use the SE Region/9-State Midspan Fiber Meet Checklist Form. AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN
  File SE Region/9-State Customer Network Management (CNM) FlexServ Overview Guide
  AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN
  File MW Region/5-State 911 Trunk Group Design Guides (TGDG) and Selective Router Table
  IL, IN, MO, OH, WI
  File SE Region/9-State 911 Trunk Group Design Guide (TGDG) and Selective Router Table
  AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN
  File SW Region/5-State 911 Trunk Group Design Guides (TGDG) and Selective Router Table
  AR, KS, MO, OK, TX
  File West Region/2-State 911 Trunk Group Design Guides (TGDG) and Selective Router Table
  CA, NV
  File MW-SW-W Region/12-State TIKI Report
  CLEC Specific Reports- TIKI Reports, requires User ID/Password. CA, NV, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, IL, IN, MI, OH, WI
Revised: 03/13/19 File MW-SW-W Region/12-State TIKI Report Example
  The TIKI Report is a trunk circuit (TSC) utilization report using time consistent busy hour on the most recent 20 average business days. CA, NV, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, IL, IN, MI, OH, WI
Revised: 02/08/19 File MW-SW-W Region/12-State TIKI Report-Field Descriptions and Definitions
  CA, NV, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, IL, IN, MI, OH, WI

Ordering Guides All Regions/States top
Revised: 01/16/19 File All Regions/States ICSC Codes
Revised: 02/21/19 File All Regions/States Standard Trunk Interval Matrix
  Interconnection and 911 Trunks
  File All Regions/States ASR Order Examples for Local Interconnection Ordering
  [Includes ASR Guide for Translations Overflow Change, Translations 911 dESN/PSAP Change, & CCEA Format]
  File All Regions/States Ordering Guides for Local Interconnection (ASR)
  File All Regions/States Carrier Coding Guide
  File All Regions/States Access to OSS Tools - User Guide
  Access to Operation Support Systems, Applications and Tools
  File All Regions/States CAFE Getting Started Training Guide
  Follow above link and go to: Ordering > Common Access Front End (CAFÉ) > CAFÉ Getting Started Training. Common Access Front End-CAFE order system. Training Guide for CAFE: Create ASRs, Pre-Order Tools, View ASRs/DLRs/CSRs. Will need to request access to CAFE via the 21-State CAFE Access Form.
  File All Regions/States 21 State CAFE Access Form
  Follow above link and go to: Ordering > Common Access Front End (CAFÉ) > CAFÉ Access Request Form. Administrative Forms, Common (21-State)
  File CAFE Portal
  Online Resources, CAFE

Ordering Guides Region Specific top
  File MW-SW-W Region/12-State Access T1 ASR Guide
  Utilize the '12-State Standalone T1 Access ASR Guide', REQTYP = SD. This is for the T1 facilities that support the Meet-Point TGs [MD, Interlata/IXC traffic] and Ancillary [OS/DA, 911, Choke/Mass Calling] TGs, that are out of Access Tariff/Guidebook and not treated as local interconnection facilities- cannot be issued on a Combo ASR (Trunks & Facilities). CA, NV, AR, KS, MO, OK, TX, IL, IN, MI, OH, WI
  File MW Region/5-State ASR 911 Trunk Guide
  IL, IN, MI, OH, WI

Contacts All Regions/States top
  File IS Call Center
  The IS Call Center (ISCC) is the primary point of contact for information systems (IS) issues related to Operational Support System (OSS) access [i.e. CAFE, EBTA, ExClaim].
  File Ordering Contacts - LSC
  Primary & Single Point of Contact for ALL Ordering items, including any escalations regarding ASRs submitted to the LSC. Function = Ordering, State, Product = Interconnection / 911
  File Ordering Contacts – ASC/DCOE
  Utilize the appropriate tab for the center to find appropriate contact information. Primary & Single Point of Contact for ALL Ordering items, including any escalations regarding ASRs submitted to the ASC. ASC-WSC-DCOE Escalation Contacts.
  File Provisioning Contacts - Trunks/DS0s and DS1s/T1s (Local & Access)
  Utilize the appropriate tab for the level of service for appropriate contact information. Primary & Single Point of Contact for ALL Provisioning items, including any escalations. Message Trunks and DS0s/DS1s contacts (CSPC).
  File Maintenance Contacts - DS0s/Trunks, DS1s/T1s (Local & Access)
  Choose appropriate link for level of service under the Maintenance section. Primary & Single Point of Contact for ALL Maintenance items, including any escalations. DS0/Trunk, DS1/T1 Services. All escalations must be submitted via electronic means provided by AT&T to establish trouble ticket priority (i.e. EBTA).
  File EBTA Training
  Electronic Bonding Trouble Administration gives you an electronic connection to streamline the trouble reporting process & obtain frequent status reports, minimizing manual telephone calls to the Maintenance Work Centers. NOTE: Requires EBTA application update via your CLEC Profile, Section- 'Customer Identification, Applications, Ordering' -OSS, Other Applications. May refer to the ‘Access to OSS Tools – User Guide’.
  File Web Toolbar EBTA GUI User Guide
  Provides overview of the EBTA tool, includes specific fields and their definitions.
  File Billing Contacts
  Choose appropriate link for level of service under the Billing section. Primary & Single Point of Contact for ALL Billing items, including any escalations and Billing Claims.
  File Billing Claims Dispute Form
  Billing Claims Dispute Form and Billing Claims Re-Dispute Forms. NOTE: Use ExClaim to electronically submit Billing Claims.
  File ExClaim Training
  Electronic Exchange of Claims is a mechanized application which provides many benefits, including the ability to submit, view & track billing claims. NOTE: Requires ExClaim application update via your CLEC Profile, Section- 'Customer Identification, Applications, Ordering' -OSS, Other Applications. May refer to the ‘Access to OSS Tools – User Guide’.