AT&T Clec Online

IS Call Center

Downloads/User ID/Forms

NOTE: CLEC Users with an established CLEC should contact their CLEC Admin or CLEC Admin Delegate regarding account issues.

User ID top
Revised: 07/22/16 File AT&T 21-State Customer Profile Web Site Administrator ID Request Form
  Profile ID
Revised: 11/03/14 File AT&T CLEC Web Site Admin ID Request
  Change or appoint ADMIN. Requires Profile to be current.
Revised: 05/15/24 File CLEC Single Block ID Form (21 State)
  •CLEC must have an up-to-date and completed CLEC Profile online
Revised: 05/15/24 File AT&T CLEC Block ID Form
Revised: 05/16/24 File AT&T Block ID User Information
  Block ID User Information.xlsx needs to be submitted for processing by the customer alongside the Block ID form.
Revised: 04/02/21 File Password Reset for AT&T Global Logons