AT&T Clec Online



Interconnection and Stand-Alone agreements.

The Agreements and/or Amendments posted on this website have been posted for the convenience of our wholesale customers and are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer by any AT&T ILEC to any particular customer. The Agreements and/or Amendments posted on this website may not reflect the current contract language that is available at any given time. In addition, please note that certain information contained on this web site may not have been fully updated to reflect any and all state and federal laws and/or other relevant government actions (collectively "Government Actions"). Therefore, certain information contained on this website relating to products and services impacted by Government Actions may be inaccurate or incomplete. If a customer is interested in entering into an Agreement with an AT&T ILEC, including, without limitation, an Agreement which mirrors or is similar to a document posted on this website, the customer must submit a request  through its Account Manager or Negotiator. If a customer has not done business with any AT&T ILEC, it must submit a request to begin negotiations in writing. Click on "Getting Started" and "The Negotiations Process" for a list of items to be included in the letter of request. In response to any such customer request, the customer will be provided with the then-current version of the signature-ready Agreement, to the extent that such Agreement is available at the time of customer's request. Users of this website assume sole responsibility for any reliance on any information contained herein which is for reference purposes only and subject to any other disclaimers and notices found on this website.