AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for 13 States


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Current FCC rules now allow requesting telecommunication carriers to commingle UNEs and combinations of UNEs, with wholesale facilities or services it has obtained from the AT&T ILEC (e.g., special access services purchased from an AT&T tariff), subject to various limitations and restrictions. To request a commingled arrangement, a CLEC must first have language in its Interconnection Agreement (ICA) with the particular AT&T ILEC which language permits commingling and provides the associated terms and conditions. Any commingling is subject to the terms and conditions of the ICA, and the lawful and effective FCC rules and orders, including without limitation 47 C.F.R. § 51.318(b)

One of the restrictions on commingling is found in the FCC’s mandatory eligibility criteria adopted in the Triennial Review Order.  FCC Rule 51.318(b).  Commingled arrangements that are subject to that Rule must meet its requirements, and the CLEC must provide the AT&T ILEC with certification on a circuit–by-circuit basis that those requirements are met. Further documentation, and the required form are below.

Revised: 08/02/05 File Commingling
Revised: 03/18/05 File Mandatory Eligibility Certification Form
Revised: 09/14/05 File Available Commingled Arrangements
Matrix of available arrangements per state.