AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for 13 States

Collocation Billing Adjustments/Claims

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CLECs who dispute charges on their AT&T bill, as a result of a billing claim, can submit an electronic request for a billing adjustment by completing the AT&T Billing Claims Dispute Form. Although optional, use of this form is recommended in facilitating prompt resolution of the dispute.


A matrix detailing the contacts for this process is available in the file list below this document (“Claims and Adjustments Contacts”)


AT&T Collocation Billing Claims Dispute Process &Form 


Collocation Billing claims should be submitted using the standard Excel spreadsheet format. Information included must be sufficient to enable AT&T to successfully investigate and process all billing disputes and claims for adjustments.   It is recommended that following the Instruction Guidelines provided in the Collocation Billing Adjustments and Claims (also below) will prompt a thorough investigation and response to billing claims submitted.


When submitting a billing claim using the AT&T Collocation Billing Claims Dispute Form, the following should be adhered to:

  • Do not change the format of the spreadsheet in any way (i.e. deleting columns, adding columns, etc). Many columns in the spreadsheet are used for internal AT&T use only, and allows for more efficiency in the claims process.
  • Submit claims per region. 
  • Insert one (1) USOC per line item on the spreadsheet.  
  • Group the same issues together on the spreadsheet, when possible. This will help categorize the claims and allow for more efficient handling. It is acceptable to send more than one claim per account number, per month and also acceptable to have more than 1 account number per spreadsheet.
  • Send a valid, completed AT&T Collocation Billing Claims Dispute Form via e-mail to:









The instructions regarding completing and submitting the form are contained within the form spreadsheet.


Informal Dispute Resolution

  • Dispute-Initial request sent to the CSC mailbox by region to investigate charges, which appear on a bill rendered by AT&T.
  • Redispute -Additional written supporting documentation received by the CSC on a claim previously resolved or denied. This would be considered a new claim and input into the claims tracking tool as a Redisputed Claim.
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution-The CLEC must notify Account Management that they do not agree with the resolution. If the CLEC notifies Account Management the Account Manager will negotiate in good faith to resolve the previously resolved or denied dispute. The Account Manager will also contact the CSC to put the dispute back into the claims tracking system as a redispute if needed.  If the CLEC does not notify AT&T the dispute is considered closed.  

Formal Dispute Resolution

  • Arbitration-Disputes not settled through informal dispute resolution, may be resolved using an arbitrator.   See your Interconnection agreement for details.



Once a valid, completed AT&T Collocation Billing Claims Dispute Form has been received by the Collocation Service Center, the claim is then reviewed and investigated by the CSC Claim Department. AT&T acknowledges receipt of the claim in writing, with a Confirmation Form.

Note: If sufficient documentation to investigate the claim is not provided, the claim is rejected.

  • When all the appropriate documentation is received, a Confirmation Form is sent.
  • The Confirmation Form includes the Customer Claim Number and the AT&T Claims Tracking Number.
  • Claims are handled on a first come first served basis. Once a claim is resolved, a Resolution Letter advising of the action taken is sent.
  • If a claim or adjustment is approved, an adjustment is applied to the next account billing cycle.
  • If a claim is denied, an explanation for the denial is provided.
  • (In either case, a decision is made within 30 days.)

In the event that a claim cannot be processed within 30 days, notification is made via phone or email, and the status of the claim is provided periodically until it is resolved. Once AT&T resolves the CLEC claim and the resolution letter is sent to the CLEC, AT&T considers the claim closed and the monies in dispute become collectible. If the CLEC does not agree with AT&T's resolution of their claim it is the CLECs responsibility to notify AT&T by contacting their CSC office.