AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for California and Nevada

Working Service On Premise (WSOP)

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Working Service On Premise (WSOP) is a condition that exists for Residential premise only, and identifies that service is already established at a particular location.

For an LWC™ request, the WSOP field can be affected in one of two ways: 

(1)  if the field is left blank or if there is working service and the WSOP field is populated with the letter “A” (to show that additional service is being requested), the order will qualify for flow through eligibility; or

(2)  if there is working service and the CLEC requests AT&T to check for working service by populating the field with a “V”, the order will not qualify for flow through eligibility. 


Working Service On Premise (WSOP) is a condition that exists for Residential premises only and identifies that service is already established at a particular location. It can be identified when a CLEC-Reseller submits a request to establish Residence service or during the pre-ordering process through Verigate.  

Types of WSOP Conditions  

The following WSOP conditions may exist at a Residential location:   

  • CLEC to CLEC   
  • CLEC to AT&T California/Nevada (Retail)   
  • AT&T California/Nevada (Retail) to CLEC

CLEC to CLEC    

CLEC to CLEC WSOP exists when a CLEC submits an LSR (without an Additional Line [ADL]), and may be unaware that service is already being provided by another CLEC.  

CLEC to AT&T (Retail)  

CLEC to AT&T (Retail) WSOP exists when a CLEC submits an LSR (without an Additional Line [ADL]), and may be unaware that service is already being provided by AT&T (Retail).  

AT&T (Retail) to CLEC  

AT&T (Retail) to CLEC WSOP exists when an End User requests service through AT&T Retail Business Office (without an Additional Line [ADL]), and may be unaware that service is already being provided by another CLEC.  

WSOP Process:   

Step 1 -  CLEC submits LSR for new/additional Resale service and the LSC identifies WSOP.  

Step 2 -  LSC conducts WSOP investigation.  

If the existing WSOP is identified as Abandoned Service, then the LSC notifies the current service provider requesting disposition within three (3) business days.

Step 3    - Current provider is asked whether to leave WSOP in place or to disconnect.   

If the WSOP is to be left in place, then the LSR requesting new service is processed as an Additional Line (ADL).   

If the WSOP is to be removed, then AT&T processes a disconnect order and the LSR requesting new service is processed as a New Primary Line.

Important:  If there is no response from the current service provider back to AT&T within three (3) business days, then the WSOP is disconnected.