AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for California and Nevada

Interconnection Forecasts

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Interconnection Forecasts

AT&T West (AT&T Californaia and AT&T Nevada) believes that forecasting and cooperative planning are essential to ensure sufficient network capacity to meet both Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) and End User (EU) needs for Local Interconnection (LI) products and services in reasonable time frames.    

Trunk Forecasting/ Servicing Responsibilities for CLECs    

The CLEC must provide an initial trunk forecast for establishing the initial interconnection facilities and equipment. Subsequent forecasts must be provided on a semi-annual basis in the months of  December  and  June and no later than  January 1 and  July 1,  including yearly forecasted trunk quantities for all trunk groups for a  minimum of three (3) years.    

The parties shall agree on a forecast to ensure efficient utilization of trunks. Orders for trunks that exceed forecasted quantities for forecasted locations will be accommodated as facilities and/or equipment becomes available.    

Forecasts should be electronically transmitted to AT&T West. Each forecast will be treated with extreme confidentiality. 

Refer to the Forms section for the CLEC Trunk Forecast Form.