AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for California and Nevada

Customer Not Ready: Rescheduled or Canceled

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Customer Not Ready: Rescheduled or Canceled

Customer Not Ready: Rescheduled Or Canceled


AT&T California and AT&T Nevada, also known as AT&T West 2-STATE, identifies the installation order as 'Customer Not Ready' (CNR) in all cases where interconnection products have passed AT&T West’s Pre-Service Testing and the CLEC is either: 

  • Unavailable or not ready to perform Acceptance Tests, or 
  • Unable to accept the interconnection products by the due date.

Procedures have been developed for those situations described above, in order to equitably provide service to all CLECs ordering trunks from AT&T West. These procedures are: 

  • If the CLEC is unable or not ready to perform Acceptance Tests by the Plant Test Date, or is unable to accept the interconnection product(s) by the due date, the CLEC must provide AT&T West with a requested revised service due date that is no more than 30 calendar days beyond the original service due date. 
  • If the CLEC requires a service due date more than 30 days after the original service due date, or unless mutually agreed, the CLEC must cancel the Access Service Request (ASR).

Important: If the CLEC fails to cancel such an ASR, AT&T West treats that ASR as though it had been canceled. 

These procedures are being implemented to reduce, if not eliminate, stranded trunks. In addition, these procedures serve to free up trunks for use by other CLECs seeking to interconnect with AT&T West, thereby reducing trunk blockage problems. These procedures result in more efficient use of facilities and network equipment by all parties.