AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for California and Nevada

CLEC Emergency Preparedness

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    CLEC Emergency Preparedness


    Agreements & Arrangements
    California Utilities Emergency Association
    Bellcore Emergency Preparedness Information
    Pacific Bell Emergency Preparedness Contact

    Emergency preparedness and response is a fundamental responsibility of communications providers. It is necessary for the preservation of the California telecommunications infrastructure and the protection of lives and property. The CLEC must achieve the necessary preparedness and disaster response capability guided by a well thought out plan which enables trained employees to execute their emergency roles.


    Agreements & Arrangements
    Pacific Bell participates in formal and informal agreements and arrangements to provide (and receive) cooperative and collaborative assistance during emergency events, whether natural catastrophes or other major crises.

    An example of formal mutual aid agreements in which Pacific Bell participates is the Mutual Aid Agreement Among Telecommunication Interexchange Carriers and Local Exchange Companies In California For Emergency Resource Allocation. Refer to Section 48.2 California Utilities Emergency Association. 

    Pacific Bell has found that the effectiveness of these arrangements goes beyond the particular content of any formal or informal agreement; rather, it is the broad and common intent of these arrangements that helps affect the cooperative interaction needed to protect and/or restore telecommunications in California. Given the level of incidence of natural disasters in California, Pacific Bell supports collaborative development of formal and informal mutual aid agreements and arrangements with CLECs. 

    California Utilities Emergency Association
    Pacific Bell recommends that the most effective way for the CLEC to plan for California emergencies is to join the California Utilities Emergency Association. To join this association, contact:
    Katherine Latipaw
    State Of California Office Of Emergencies, Utilities Branch
    Telephone: 916-262-1822

    Bellcore Emergency Preparedness Information
    Bellcore provides general information regarding emergency preparedness and restoration. Bellcore's National Security Emergency Preparedness Office can be reached on 202-955-4750.

    Pacific Bell Emergency Preparedness Contact
    To discuss specific emergency preparedness planning with Pacific Bell, contact the Staff Manager at 925-823-3835.