AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for California and Nevada

Ancilliary Equipment

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9.0 Ancillary Equipment


9.1 Program Audio Hubbing
9.2 Alternate Serving Wire Center (ASWC) Diverse Routing
9.3 Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) Functionality
9.4 Analog Bridging
9.5 DS1 on Copper Loops (Where Available)
9.6 Customer Network Reconfiguration

The following section describes the Ancillary Equipment offered by Pacific Bell, to be used in conjunction with Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) to enhance a UNE's functionality. A complete description of the Ancillary Equipment Pacific Bell is offering, and the terms and conditions that apply to this equipment, can be found in the Pacific Bell Generic Interconnection Agreement, Appendix Ancillary. For a copy of this appendix please contact your Pacific Bell Account Manager.   



9.1 Program Audio Hubbing   

9.1.1 Product Description
Pacific Bell has developed the Audio Program Bridging Product for use in the Competitive Local Exchange Market. This is part of the family of products that the CLEC may order to be used in conjunction with Pacific Bell provided Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs). Pacific Bell offers two types of hubbing arrangements:


  • Program Audio Bridging   
  • Program Audio Bridging Intermediate

Audio bridging is offered to work with 2-wire UNE loops in both a single wire center (SWC) or multiple wire centers (MWC) arrangements   

Program Audio Bridging is a point-to-point type circuit, terminated on an Audio Program Bridging block, where the ends of both circuits terminate within the same Pacific Bell Wire Center.   

Program Audio Bridging Intermediate is a point-to-point type circuit where the source end terminates on an Audio Bridging block in the serving central office, and the broadcast end terminates to a CLEC End User (EU) served by another Pacific Bell Central Office in the LATA. The signal is transmitted to the distant Pacific Bell Central Office via interoffice facilities.   

Program Audio (both Program Audio Bridging and Program Audio Bridging Intermediate) transmits the audio program of radio broadcasters between the point of program source and two or more broadcast stations. This format is Prem-to-Prem. In addition, wired music can be transmitted over this circuit. Pacific Bell offers program audio hubbing as an Ancillary product at the following frequencies:   

  • 0 to 3.5 Khz   
  • 3.5 to 5.0 Khz   
  • 5.0 to 8.0 Khz

These frequencies need to be specified on the ASR by an existing NC/NCI code for program services (audio bridging). The CLEC orders the loops that will be terminated on this audio bridge out of their existing Interconnection Agreement (ICA) and at the rate applicable in the ICA.   

A Prem-To-Prem arrangement is EU Access without a Point of Presence (POP) on the Access Service Request (ASR) or SORD order. The CLEC orders the Prem-to-Prem circuit on behalf of the EU, using the ASR process. Pacific Bell bills the CLEC for the arrangement.   

9.1.2 Availability
Program Audio Bridging and Program Audio Bridging Intermediate are available in those Pacific Bell central offices where:


  • Pacific Bell currently has Audio Bridging deployed, and   
  • Spare capacity and inventory exists.

9.1.3 Limitations
Limitations of Program Audio Hubbing are:


  • This service does not connect to a CLEC's Point of Presence (POT/ACTL/Cage) at any point.   
  • The minimum number of circuit points is 3 legs and the maximum is dependent on availability of Bridge equipment in a Central Office. Each Bridge can accommodate 7 legs. It is possible for a circuit to have more than 1 Bridge.   
  • A request for more than 2 points requires the standard interval Due Date and a firm design confirmation from Pacific Bell's Provisioning Administration Design & Services (PADS).   
  • Change order requests can only be made to add or disconnect circuit points (legs) or bridges.   
  • The circuit requires a minimum billing period of 30 days.

9.1.4 Instructions for OrderingASR Entries
A CLEC request for Program Audio Bridging uses the following screens of the ASR:   


  • Admin 1 and Admin 2   
  • End User Special Access Screen (EUSA)   
  • MultiPoint Service Leg (MSL)

Directions on making ASR entries are:   

  • The CLEC must use the REQTYP of ED on ADMIN1 of the ASR to indicate this is a Program Audio Bridge.   
  • The ACTL field on ADMIN 1 must be blank.   
  • The End User Special Access Screen (EUSA) must show entries in the PRILOC field. PRILOC is also referred to as the Master Station and is the program source location. Additional legs may be referred to as Slave.   
  • The EUSA must have an entry in the CKLT field of the Common Language (CLLI) code for the Bridge location.   
  • The number of Secondary Locations (NSL) entry indicates the number of legs extending from the bridge.

Fields On The MSL Screen:   

For the following field


For the first MSL form Subsequent MSL forms


Must agree with ACT field on ASR form

Applicable for the activity taking place


See rules for CKLT on Special Access Form


Requires an entry

Requires an entry


Standard usage rules apply


Matches NCI on EUSA screen

Applicable for the SECLOC

Important: The CLEC completes the SECLOC field of the NSL form for each circuit.   

ASR  Audio Bridging Admin 1 notes:

  • The CLEC must show a REQTYP of 'ED' on ADMIN1.   
  • Remarks may include comments that the circuit is for Audio Bridging.

End User Special Access Circuit Detail example for Audio Bridging:   

The MST field indicates the leg position:   

  • M = master leg/ segment   
  • A = alternate to the master leg   
  • R = remove as master or alternate

Multi-Point Service Leg screen (MSL) notes:   

  • MSL identifies additional circuit points.   
  • The LEGACT field indicates activity for that location.   
  • CKLT is the Customer requested bridge CLLI location.   
  • Multi-point Service Leg Screen (MSL) is identifies additional circuit points.   
  • The LEGACT field indicates activity for that location.   
  • CKLT is the Customer requested bridge CLLI location.

9.1.5 Billing
Refer to Billing & Collections, Section 4.5 UNE Billing For Program Audio Hubbing.

9.2 Alternate Serving Wire Center (ASWC) Diverse Routing
Diversity is offered on Transport services:   


  • At the DS1 and DS3 level and on Loop services to the End User as a DS1.   
  • Only where facilities exist and spare facilities are available.

The offering to the Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC) is in the same manner as Pacific Bell currently offers the service in its FCC 128 Tariff 7.2.9 (d) (5), and is only be available where Pacific Bell currently offers Alternate Serving Wire Center (ASWC). A list of offices is available in the Tariff. Pacific Bell designates the alternate wire center to be used. The ASWC rates apply to ASWC service ordered by the CLEC.   

A CLEC may request other diversity options on Transport UNEs using the Bona Fide Request process (BFR).   

The following conditions are applicable for ASWC Diversity:   

  • Optional feature on High Capacity Service that provides routing to an alternate Serving Wire Center (SWC). This route is different than the one that normally serves the EU premises. This may be either a:   
    • Point of Termination (POT to POT), or   
    • POT/Cage to EU premise.
  • Pacific Engineering, not the CLEC, determines the alternate SWC.   
  • Mileage is based on normal SWC associated with the EU premise.   
  • ASWC Diversity offers customer protection against failure of the electronics at serving Central Office. It does not protect against catastrophic loss at Central Office.

Refer to Tariff FCC 128, Sections 7.2.9 (D5)   

9.2.1 Alternate Serving Wire Center HUB Location Availability
Listed below are SWC locations where the ASWC optional feature is immediately available. CLECs do not provide ASWC location on ASR. When CLECs request the ASWC option, Pacific Bell determines the ASWC for the circuit. This list is filed in the FCC 128, 7.2.9 D 5.

ASWC Hubs:   

LATA Serving Wire Center

9.2.2 Limitations
The CLEC's Contract must support the ability to order this product. The Contract:


  • Applies to:    
    • DS1   
    • DS3 to POT only   
    • DS3 with/without Terminal Equipment   
    • DS1 circuits riding a DS3   

      Note: When ASWC is ordered for an optical hand-off on DS3 service, terminal equipment is provided by Pacific Bell at EU's premises.

    • DS1 circuits terming on Digital Entrance Facilities   


  • Does not apply to: 


    • DS3X3   
    • DS3X12

9.2.3 Order InformationASR Entries
The only unique entry for ASWC is for Special Routing. The 'SR' (Special Routing) field:   


  • Is on the Special Access Screen and EUSA page of the ASR   
  • Contains a 3-character entry. Example: A1A.

Not all of the choices pertain to ASWC. The data entered by the CLEC is noted in the Remarks portion of the order.   

  • First character, Primary Location:    
    • A = Cable only   
    • B = Diversity   
    • C = Disaster Recovery   
    • D = Route other than normal   
    • E = Self Healing loop   
    • F = Alternate Wire Center   
    • G = Self Healing Loop via Alternate Wire Center   
    • H = Self Healing Wire Center   
    • J = Self Healing Alternate Wire Center   
    • K = Special Routing at POT/PRILOC   
    • n = N/A
  • Second character, Interoffice Facility    
    • 1 = Avoidance   
    • 2 = Diversity   
    • 3 = Avoidance and Diversity   
    • 4 = Self Healing Interoffice Facilities   
    • 5 = Special Routing for Interoffice Facilities   
    • 6 = Route other than normal   
    • N = N/A
  • 3rd Character, Secondary Location 
    • A = Cable only   
    • B = Diversity   
    • C = Disaster Recovery   
    • D = Route other than normal   
    • E = Self Healing Loop   
    • F = Alternate Wire Center   
    • G = Self Healing Loop via Alternate Wire Center   
    • H = Self Healing Wire Center   
    • J = Self Healing Alternate Wire Center   
    • K = Special Routing at SECLOC   
    • N = N/A

ASR  for ASWC Admin 1 notes:   

The CLEC must provide the Special Routing information on the Special Access Circuit screen.


9.2.4 Billing For Alternate Serving Wire Center (ASWC)
Refer to Billing & Collections, Section 4.6 UNE Billing For Alternate Serving Wire Center (ASWC).


9.3 Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) Functionality   

9.3.1 Product Description
The Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) is a provisioning alternative for multiplexing, where available and pursuant to the central office deployment.


  • Is ordered with DS1 or DS3 Unbundled Entrance Facilities or Unbundled Dedicated Transport.   
  • Uses a device called a multiplexer (MUX) to divide or channelize one channel into two or more channels at lower speeds.
    • One DS1 circuit can multiplex or channelize into 24 VG/DS0 Voice Grade circuits using 1/0 MUX (DS1 to VG/DS0).   
    • One DS3 circuit can be multiplexed or channelized into 28 DS1 circuits using 3/1 MUX (DS3 to DS1).

Two types of Interoffice Transmission Facilities are available as UNE:   

  • Unbundled Dedicated Transport (DT)   
  • Unbundled Entrance Facility (EF)

Unbundled Dedicated Transport (DT) is the transport or connection between two Pacific Bell MUXs (multiplexers), using VG/DS0, DS1 or DS3 facility.   

  • DS1 DT can carry up to 24 2/4-wire VG/DS0 channels or Link assemblies. (DS0, Digital Signaling Zero is the smallest building block in the Digital Signaling hierarchy.)   
  • DS3 DT can carry up to 28 DS1 channels.

If CLECs request lower speed assemblies to 'ride' CLEC-owned DS1 or DS3 DT transport, CLECs must:   

  • Establish DS1 or DS3 DT first.   
  • Provide CFA (Connecting Facility Assignment) information with service requests of the lower speed services.

9.3.2 Ordering Information For DCS
CLECs send Unbundled Transport service requests to Facilities Local Services Center (FLSC), using the Access Service Request (ASR) or Interconnection Service Request (ISR) form in the CESAR system.

Note: The ISR is being phased out and no upgrades are being made to the documents. The ASR is the preferred tool.   

The following ASR screens are used:   

  • ASR Administrative Data - 1   
  • Administrative Data - 2   
  • Special Access

The following information on ASR Administrative Data - 1 screen indicates Unbundled Transport requests:   

  • Four-numeric CLEC Code on CC Field   
  • A 'Y' in the UNE field   
  • 'S' Requisition Type & Status in REQTYP Field

No verbal request will be accepted.   

Refer to:   

  • 'Loop-ASR (Access Service Request) Form' for ASR screen samples and brief description of the required fields.   
  • ASR Preparation Guide in CESAR for more information and complete description of all fields.

Entries Identifying Unbundled DS0, DS1 and DS3 Transport   

  • DS0 Service Request    
    • NC Code = L+++   
    • NCI Code = 02+++.++ or 04DS9.++ without CFA assignment

    Refer to Carrier Coding Guide in the Appendices section for NC & NCI Codes related to DS0.

  • DS1 Service Request    
    • NC Code = HC++   
    • NCI Code =:   
      • 04CS9.++ (SWC, Digital Cross Connect Interface)   
      • 04DS9.++ (POP, Digital Interface)   
      • 04QA9.10 (EISCC, suffix '10' = DS1 to DS0, channelized)   
      • 04QB9.11 (EISCC, suffix '11' = DS1 to DS1, non-channelized)

    Refer to Carrier Coding Guide in the Appendices section for other NC and NCI Codes.   


  • DS3 Service Request 
    • NC Code = HF++   
    • NCI Code =:
      • 04CS6.++ (SWC, Digital Cross Connect Interface)   
      • 04DS6.++ (POP, Electrical Interface with Terminal Equipment)   
      • 02FCF.45 (POP, Optical Interface, without Terminal Equipment)   
      • 04QA6.31 (EISCC, suffix '31' = DS3 to DS1, channelized)   
      • 04QB6.33 (EISCC, suffix '33' = DS3 to DS3, non-channelized)

    Refer to the Carrier Coding Guide in the Appendices section for other NC and NCI Codes.   


    Important: When a lower speed service rides a higher speed service, the NCI code for lower speed service must match NCI code of higher or highest speed service. For example, on DS1 service request, if DS1 is riding DS3, the NCI field must show DS3 NCI code. The higher speed circuit must be established first, and CLEC must provide CFA assignment.   

9.4 Analog Bridging   

9.4.1 Product Description
Pacific Bell has developed Analog Bridging for use in the Competitive Local Exchange Market. This is part of a family of products that the CLEC may order in conjunction with Pacific Bell provided Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs). Analog Bridging is for use in conjunction with 2-wire and 4-wire DS0 level voice grade loops.

An analog bridge arrangement consists of:   

  • One Master Leg, consisting of a Master Leg Analog Bridge Plug (2-wire or 4-wire) connecting a voice grade DS0 level UNE loop to the Analog Bridge device at the central office.   
  • Two or more secondary location legs, consisting of DS0 level voice grade UNE loops connected to the Analog Bridge device by 2-Wire Analog Bridge Plugs or 4-Wire Analog Bridge Plugs.

Analog bridging involves connecting the analog loops of three or more EU locations. Analog bridging for private line service is performed using an analog bridge device that is installed in a central office.   

A conference bridge arrangement is when all stations can communicate (both send and receive) with all other stations. An example is a multi-point ring down conference call.   

A broadcast arrangement is when the master station can send and receive, to and from the other stations. The other stations can send or receive to or from the master station only. Examples are distributive data bridges for multi-point alarm circuits, and multi-point circuits connecting Automatic Teller Machines.   

The entire analog bridging arrangement has only ONE circuit I.D. This circuit I.D identifies the combined elements of the Master Leg, the secondary location legs, and the bridging elements.   

The Analog Bridging Arrangement can only be ordered via the ASR. Analog Bridge Plugs
Types of Analog Bridge Plugs are:


  • 2-Wire Master Leg Plug In, which connects the master location's 2-wire voice grade UNE loop to the Analog Bridging device in the central office.   
    • One master leg element, either 2-wire or 4-wire, is required on every analog bridging arrangement.   
    • If the Master Leg is a 2-wire loop, all secondary legs must also be 2-wire loops.   


  • 4-Wire Master Leg Plug In, which connects the master location's 4-wire voice grade UNE loop to the Analog Bridging device in the central office.   
    • One master leg element, either 2-wire or 4-wire, is required on every analog bridging arrangement.   
    • If the Master Leg is a 4-wire loop, all secondary legs must also be 4-wire loops.   


  • Plug for 2-Wire Leg,  which connects a secondary location's 2-wire voice grade UNE loop to the Analog Bridging device in the central office.   
    • At least two secondary location legs, either 2-wire or 4-wire, are required on every analog bridging arrangement.   
    • The secondary legs must be provisioned with the same number of wires as the Master Leg.   


  • Plug for 4-Wire Leg,  which connects a secondary location's 4-wire voice grade UNE loop to the Analog Bridging device in the central office. 
    • At least two secondary location legs, either 2-wire or 4-wire, are required on every analog bridging arrangement.   
    • The secondary legs must be provisioned with the same number of wires as the Master Leg.


9.4.2 Loop   2-Wire Loop Channel Termination
Each analog bridging arrangement consists of at least three standard 2-wire or 4-wire voice grade DS0 level local loops. Each loop provides connection between MPOE (Minimum Point of Entry) at EU's Premises and the Analog Bridging Device located in Pacific Bell CO (Central Office).

If an EU's serving wire center is in a different location than the Analog Bridging device, the local loop is combined with IOT (Interoffice Transport) to the serving wire center where the Analog Bridging Device is located.   4-Wire Loop Channel Termination
Each analog bridging arrangement consists of at least three standard 2-wire or 4-wire voice grade DS0 level local loops. Each loop provides connection between MPOE (Minimum Point of Entry) at EU's Premises and the Analog Bridging Device located in Pacific Bell CO (Central Office).

If an EU's serving wire center is in a different location than the Analog Bridging device, the local loop is combined with IOT (Interoffice Transport) to the serving wire center where the Analog Bridging Device is located.   

The table below illustrates the different types of voice grade loops available for use with the Analog Bridging Arrangement:   

Voice Grade Services NC Code
VG 2 LC++
VG 5 LF++
VG 6 LG++
VG 10 LN++
VG 11 LP++ Availability
Analog Bridging is available in those locations as defined in the NECA FCC Tariff 4, Sections 7 and 16. Limitations
The limitations of loop channel termination are:


  • The Analog Bridging Arrangement does not provide Dial Tone. It provides inter-office transport and local loop without connecting to the end office switch.   
  • Pacific Bell only provides Loop service to the MPOE. Beyond the MPOE is the responsibility of the CLEC.   
  • Optional support services, such as 411, 611, E911, Listing, Operator Verify, and Inside Wire Service are not available.   
  • Loops described in this section are available only to CLECs that have contractual agreement with Pacific Bell.   
  • All Loop services are PIU 0.   
  • Change order requests can be made only to add or disconnect circuit points (legs) or bridges.   
  • The circuit requires a minimum billing period of 30 calendar days.   
  • Analog Bridging is to be used only with local services.   
  • The secondary legs of the bridge must have the same number of wires as the Master Leg, (i.e., if the Master Leg is a 4-wire loop, all of the secondary legs must also be 4-wire loops).