AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin

CSR/CSI Change Process

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CLEC Initiated Changes to Retail Business Customer CSR/CSI





In situations where CLECs are unsuccessful in migrating Retail Business Customers because of incorrect Customer Service Record (CSR)/Customer Service Inquiry (CSI) information, CLECs should follow the process outlined below.




Midwest Retail Business Accounts only.



CLEC Responsibilities


·         CLEC sends an e-mail to the LSC:


·         The Subject Line of the e-mail should be:  “CLEC Initiated Change to Retail CSR”


The e-mail should contain the following:


·         Telephone Number

·         End User Name

·         End User Address

·         The specific incorrect information and requested change


Wholesale Customer Care Team Responsibilities


The Wholesale Customer Care Team will provide an initial status to the CLEC, via e-mail, by the third business day.  This status will either confirm that the CSR/CSI is incorrect and has been forwarded to Retail for correction or that the information cannot be validated.


Retail Responsibilities


Retail will compare the request within 10 business days and notify the Wholesale Customer Care Team of completion.  If the request cannot be completed in 10 days, then Retail will notify the Wholesale Customer Care Team who will provide the CLEC a status every 10 days until the issue is resolved.


If additional information is required, the Wholesale Customer Care Team will contact the CLEC.


If investigation cannot confirm that a problem exists, then the Wholesale Customer Care Team will contact the CLEC.