The following information applies to the Hunting Type Code (HNTYP) field on the Local Service Request Form, Hunt Group Identification Section. Refer to specific product offerings for procedures and parameters when HNTYP is valid.
1 = Preferential Multi-line
2 = Regular Series Completion
3 = Circular Regular
5 = Multi-line
6 = Circular Multi-line
7 = Circular Preferential
8 = Automatic Call Distribution
9 = Distributed Line Hunt
10 = Multiple Position Hunt
11 = Uniform Call Distribution
12 = Directory Number Hunt
Note: In Connecticut, the only valid types of hunting are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 or 7.
Preferential Multi-Line
- Multi-Line group that allows a hunt group within a hunt group
- Is used when the EU wants a specific hunting pattern
- Allows access lines to hunt non-sequentially
- May be used with circular and series hunting
- May be series complete or circular
Regular Series Completion
Hunting starts with the called line and ends with the last line in the group. The hunting sequence begins with the lead number. If that line is busy, the call hunts through the remaining numbers in sequential order until a free line is found. When the last number is reached, the hunting stops.
- Hunting arrangements that do not need any special action
- Series Completion has telephone numbers assigned
Circular Regular
- Can be established on both Series Completion and Multi-Line Hunt.
- Starts at the number dialed and circles through the hunt group to the number preceding the number originally dialed
- If the last number is busy, it will hunt back to the first line and then stop. If the first number is busy, the caller will receive a busy signal; the call will not continually hunt. If all of the lines are busy, the caller will still receive a busy signal.
- Usually for larger hunt groups
- Regular hunting lines where the telephone numbers are terminals or replacement numbers
- Incoming calls search group in an ascending order until it reaches an available line or last line of hunt. If no line available, calling party receives a busy signal
- A lead telephone number, or pilot number, is assigned to the first line of the hunt group. All remaining lines are assigned terminal numbers instead of telephone numbers. Telephone numbers can be assigned with terminal numbers at the end user’s request.
- May also contain one or more non-hunt terminals. These lines are built into the Multi-Line Hunt group, but do not hunt.
- Several Hunting options are available with Multi-Line Hunting
- May be circular and may have non-hunt additional directory numbers within the group.
Note: Effective with the implementation of LSOR 05.03, use of the HID (Hunting ID) Field has been made uniform. The valid entries will continue to be varied based on the type of Hunting requested.
In addition, the following applies:
- The Hunting ID field (HID) is required for multi-line hunt groups, HNTYP = 1,5,6,7,8,9,10, or 11, when HA = N.
- CLECs ordering new multi-line hunt groups must utilize the following forms located in Forms & Exhibits to request telephone numbers and the HID value:
- AT&T 13-State Manual Pre Order Telephone Reservation Form (POTS) or
- AT&T Manual Pre-Order Information Cover Sheet - Complex Services
- CLECs will supply the number of hunt groups needed, number of telephones needed, and the HNTYP that will be ordered.
Note: HID data is returned on the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) for all active LSOR versions.
Note: In the AT&T Midwest Region 5-State Region, for LSOR Version 06.0+, REQTYPs “U”, “V”, “W”, “X”, the REMARKS section of the LSR Form should be used to populate Hunting information.
Example: HNUM 1, HA 2, TLI 3125551212, HNTYP 5, HLA N, HTSWQ 1, HTN 3125551212
Circular Multi-Line
- If the last number is busy, it will hunt back to the first line and then stop. If the first number is busy, the caller will receive a busy signal; the call will not continually hunt.
- If all of the lines are busy, the caller will still receive a busy signal.
- The first line of the hunting group will appear as the last line in the hunting sequence
- Provided on an end user demand basis only
Circular Preferential
- End user is able to designate a 'preferential' list of telephone numbers.
- Multi-Line Group that allows a hunt group within a hunt group
- Is used when the End User wants a specific hunting pattern
- Allows access lines to hunt non-sequentially
Automatic Call Distribution
- Option of Multi-Line Hunting
- Automatic Call Distribution searches for the line that has been
available or idle the longest. - Circular Hunting is inherent in Automatic Call Distribution
- Automatic Call Distribution will work only if an end user has an
Automatic Call Distributor
Distributed Line Hunt
- Option of Multi-Line Hunting
- Hunting starts after the first idle line found by the previous hunt and continues until the starting point of the hunt is reached
- Circular Hunting is inherent in Distributed Line Hunt
- DL is assigned to groups requiring an equal distribution of calls.
- Only a pilot directory number is associated with Distributed Line Hunt.
Multiple Position
- Option of Multi-Line Hunting
- Multiple Position provides the ability to distribute calls over a group of console positions (e.g. Centrex), each of which can handle a fixed number of calls.
Uniform Call Distribution
- Option of Multi-Line Hunting
- Uniform Call Distribution searches for the least used line.
- End user does not require a Uniform Call Distributor for Uniform Call Distribution to work
- Circular Hunting is inherent with Uniform Call Distribution
- The first number dialed in the Uniform Call Distribution hunt group is the software pilot number and the Terminal Line Identifier (TLI) number.
Directory Number Hunt
- Option of Multi-Line Hunting
- With Directory Number Hunt, hunting is sequential; it starts at the first line and ends at the last line
- With Directory Number Hunt, the hunt group can be accessed by dialing any directory number in the hunt group
- The number of lines hunted depends on whether the hunting option in the group is circular or sequential
- Each Directory Number Hunt group has its own directory number.
Additional information on Hunting can be found in the Hunting document under Products & Services.