AT&T Clec Online

Handbook for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin

Structure Access

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Structure Access


3.0 Ordering Requirements

3.1 Ordering Method

3.1.1 Applicability of Guidelines

3.1.5 Process for Gaining Access to Ameritech Structure Make Ready Completion of Make ready work Force Majeure Occupancy Permit Occupancy Permit (Ohio Only) Standard Intervals

3.1.6 Structure Modifications Which Add Capacity

3.1.7 Construction and Installation Standards

3.1.8 Fees

3.1.9 Unauthorized Attachments
3.1.10 Changes to Guidelines
3.1.11 Notices

3.2 Order Types

3.3 Firm Order Confirmation (FOC)
3.4 Design Layout Report (DLR)

4.0 Billing Procedures

6.0 Forms for Acces to Ameritech Owned Structure

All Forms Located in Forms & Exhibits Section

RC-1: Information Access Request - Structure Records
C-1: Structure Access Request/Occupancy Permit - Ducts and Conduit
C-2: Conduit Data Sheet
P-1: Structure Access Request/Occupancy Permit - Poles
P-1-1: Structure Access Request/Occupancy Permit - Poles (continuation)
P-2: Pole Data Sheet
P-2-1: Pole Data Sheet (continuation)
A-1: Estimate for Field Survey/Make Ready Work/Billing Authorization
R-1: Structure Access Request - Rights-of-Way
R-2: Rights-of-Way Data Sheet
R-2-1: Rights-of-Way Data Sheet (continuation)


Attachment 1.1: Sample Bill (Conduit)
Attachment 1.2: Sample Bill (Pole)


Structure Access makes available access to poles, ducts, conduits and Rights-of-Way ('Structure') within the public or private Rights-of-Way, owned or controlled by Ameritech, for the placement of the Attaching Party’s attachments. Following is a summary of Structure Access. See Section 3.1 for more details.

1.0 Service Description

Ameritech will make available, to the extent it may lawfully do so, access to poles, ducts, conduits and Rights-of-Way for the placement of the Attaching Party’s attachments.

1.1 Service Requirements

In ordering Structure Access, there are:

  • Mandatory Requirements
  • Service Limitations

Below is a mandatory service requirement with which the Attaching Party must comply before ordering Structure Access from Ameritech:

An Attaching Party is a person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity requesting access to Ameritech’s Structure and who is:

  • A telecommunications carrier as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996


  • A cable television system as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996

Below is a mandatory service requirement with which the Attaching Party must comply before attaching to Ameritech’s Structure:

  • Attaching Parties must provide evidence of the required licenses, permits, franchises and grants that may be required by public authorities, other utility companies or owners of real property.

Following is a service limitation of Structure Access:

  • Ameritech is not required to construct or acquire ducts, innerducts, conduit or poles in locations where such Ameritech Structure does not currently exist in order to fulfill a Structure Access request. Upon request by the Attaching Party, Ameritech may consider constructing or acquiring such extensions.

1.2 Rate Structure

Following is a chart detailing rate elements associated with providing Structure Access. The chart indicates which rate elements have a nonrecurring charge and which have a recurring charge. There are no Universal Service Order Codes associated with Structure Access.

Structure Access Rate Element Sheet

Rate Element



Administrative Fee


Information Access


Field Survey


Modification/Make Ready


Attachment Rental




1.2.1 Administrative Fee

An Attaching Party without existing attachments on or in Ameritech’s Structure in the state of the Attaching Party’s planned access request must pay a nonrecurring fee to cover the cost of establishing records, databases and similar administrative procedures to accommodate the request for attachment. This Administrative Fee must be paid before submitting requests for information or access to Structure.

1.2.2 Information Access

Information Access charges are billed to cover costs associated with accessing Ameritech’s existing Structure Access records. Some examples of possible Information Access charges are:

  • Cost of a viewing room
  • Map issuance
  • Ameritech personnel performing a record check

1.2.3 Field Survey

The apparent availability of Structure indicated on Ameritech’s records does not guarantee actual availability. Space availability is determined during the Field Survey, which is a physical check of the Structure.

1.2.4 Modification/Make Ready

Upon completion of the Field Survey, Ameritech determines whether a modification to the existing Structure is required to accommodate the requested attachment. There are many types of Modification/Make Ready Work that could be necessary to accommodate an individual attachment request. A few examples are:

  • Innerduct placement
  • Conduit/innerduct rodding
  • Repairing broken or blocked conduit
  • Cable rearrangements
  • Pole replacements

For Information Access, Field Survey and Modification/Make Ready charges:

  • Ameritech personnel estimate Ameritech’s costs to perform the work. These estimated charges must be prepaid as a deposit prior to the start of the work.
  • A 'true-up' is performed when the work is completed: Actual charges incurred in doing the work are compared with the estimated, prepaid charges. If the prepaid charges exceed the actual charges, the Attaching Party is refunded the difference at job completion. If the actual charges exceed the prepaid charges, the Attaching Party is billed the difference.
  • Estimates for Modification/Make Ready Work do not include labor costs for Ameritech’s Representative on the job site during construction of the Attaching Party’s attachments.

1.2.5 Attachment Rental

Attachment Rental charges are charges to the Attaching Party to have attachments in or on Ameritech’s Structure. On January 1 of each year, the Attaching Party will be billed for attachments to Ameritech’s Structure in place or for which Make Ready Work has been completed as of December 1 of the previous year. On July 1 of each year, the Attaching Party will be billed for attachments to Ameritech’s Structure in place or for which Make Ready Work has been completed as of June 1. Any attachments made within each billing period will be billed at the time of the attachment for the entire billing period.

If unauthorized attachments are discovered, a request for access shall be prepared by the Attaching Party to establish a record of this attachment on the next semi-annual billing cycle. The Attaching Party of the unauthorized attachment shall pay Ameritech five times the rental rate for an entire yearly billing period for the unauthorized attachment.

1.2.6 Inspection

Ameritech may make periodic inspections of an Attaching Party’s attachments to Ameritech’s Structure in order to ensure:

  • Attachments have been constructed in accordance with a valid Ameritech permit and do not violate any other Attaching Party’s rights
  • Attachments conform with rules, requirements and specifications of the
    • National Electrical Code
    • National Electrical Safety Code
    • Bellcore Construction Practices
    • State Regulatory Commissions
    • Occupational Safety & Health Act
    • Valid and lawful rules, requirements and specifications of any other governing authority having jurisdiction over the subject matter.

Except in cases involving safety, damage to attachments or reported violations of Ameritech’s Structure Access Guidelines, the Attaching Party will not be required to reimburse Ameritech for more than one compliance inspection every five years.

1.3 Forecasting

At the request of an Attaching Party, the Ameritech Structure Access Center (ASAC) will meet with the Attaching Party to review a two-year forecast of growth requirements for attachments to Ameritech’s Structure.

2.0 Pre-ordering Requirements

Pre-ordering Requirements, as well as Ordering Requirements and Maintenance Procedures, are administered by the ASAC. There are two Structure Access Coordinators at the ASAC, each handling requests for Structure Access in different geographic areas:

Ameritech Structure Access Center
23500 Northwestern - E Building
Southfield, Michigan 48075
Fax: 248-424-0111
Telephone: 1-888-395-ASAC
Days of Operation: Monday through Friday
Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 5:00pm Eastern

Upon receiving a Structure Access inquiry, the ASAC furnishes the Ameritech Structure Access Guidelines to the Attaching Party. The Attaching Party is asked to confirm receipt of the Guidelines by returning the signature page to the ASAC.

The Attaching Party must submit a Billing Authorization prior to the ASAC initiating Information Access Work, a Field Survey or Modification/Make Ready Work.

2.1 Customer Service Record (CSR) Retrieval

CSR is not applicable to Structure Access.

2.2 Service Address Guide (SAG) Validation

SAG is not applicable to Structure Access.

2.3 Central Office Feature Availability

Central Office Feature Availability is not applicable to Structure Access.

2.4 Telephone Number Selection

Telephone Number Selection is not applicable to Structure Access.

2.5 Due date Negotiation/Intervals

Structure Access requests vary in scope and complexity. Due dates are determined separately for each stage of the Structure Access ordering process: Information Access, Field Survey, Modification/Make Ready.

3.0 Ordering Requirements

3.1 Ordering Method

3.1.1 Applicability of Guidelines General

  • These guidelines apply to all parties, including Ameritech affliates, wishing to attach to Ameritech Structure (Attaching Parties) other than those who have separately negotiated Structure Access Guidelines under an 'Interconnection Agreement' executed with Ameritech. Authority for Guidelines

  • These guidelines are issued persuant to Section of Part 2, Section 6 of PUCO tariff number 20. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these guidelines and the tariffs of the Company, the provisions of the tariffs shall apply.

3.1.2 Definition of Terms

Ameritech Structure Access Center, (888)395-2722
Attaching Party -
Parties wishing to attach to Ameritech Structure. Ameritech is obligated to provide access to Ameritech structure to:
  • CATV (Cable Television) providers who have municipal franchises
  • TCs (Telecommunication Carriers). This includes Inter-Exchange Carriers (IXCs), Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), and wireless services providers who are certified by the state residing Public Utility commission.
  • Any municipality agency or party which has reserved a right to use Ameritech structure in a franchise agreement or by ordinance or state tariff
  • Any person or entity in Ohio who meets the requirements of Ohio statute sec. 4905.71.
Attachments -
The facilities of an Attaching Party that are attached to Ameritech Structure
Billing Authorization -
Authorization signed by an Attaching Party that the Attaching Party will be responsible to reimburse Ameritech for activities performed to prepare Ameritech Structure for occupancy by the Attaching Party. Activities may include Information Access, Field Survey, Make Ready, and Inspection.
Field Survey -
A physical check of manholes and/or poles to determine availability of space for placing the Attaching Party's facilities. If it is determined that space does not currently exist, a determination of what can be done to construct additional capacity or rearrange existing facilities to accommodate additional facilities along with estimated costs will be performed as part of the field survey activity.
Make Ready -
Any construction work necessary to prepare Ameritech Structure for attachment or occupancy by an Attaching Party. Following are examples of Make Ready work though Make Ready is not limited to these:

Duct and Conduit:

  • verifying the integrity of the Ameritech conduit/innerduct (rodding)
  • making innerduct assignments
  • tagging innerduct
  • core boring manhole walls
  • placing innerduct couplers
  • repairing or clearing broken or blocked conduit
  • placing innerduct
  • constructing additional conduit
  • rebuilding or replacing manholes


  • raise or lower attachments
  • place brackets
  • place anchors
  • replace poles
Structure -
Poles, ducts, conduit and Rights-of-way that are owned or controlled by Ameritech
Structure Records -
Any and all maps, PLRs (Plant Location Records), schematics, diagrams, copies of easements and other additional information either manual or mechanized that are maintained by Ameritech and will provide the following information about Ameritech Structure:
  • location of 'Structure', i.e. street addresses for manholes, poles or rights-of-way
  • footage between manholes or lateral ducts lengths
  • footage between poles
  • total 'Structure' capacity
  • available capacity

3.1.3 Ameritech Structure Access Center

The Ameritech Structure Access Center (ASAC) is the Ameritech single point of contact for all Attaching Parties. The ASAC is located at:

Ameritech Structure Access Center (ASAC)
23500 Northwestern Highway, Rm E230
Southfield, Michigan 48075
(888)395-ASAC (2722)

The ASAC is the Ameritech Single Point of contact for Attaching Parties. The ASAC will administer Access to Ameritech Structure by:

  • Answering Attaching Party questions
  • Processing and coordinating Information Access Requests
  • Processing and coordinating Structure Access requests, including coordination of Field Survey and Make Ready activities
  • Issuing Occupancy Permits

3.1.4 General Policies Nondiscirminatory Access

Except as otherwise permitted by applicable law, access to all Ameritech structure shall be provided to all Attaching Parties on a basis that is nondiscriminatory to that which Ameritech provides to itself, its Affiliates, Customers, or any other person. Priority Queue

  • The priority for right of access to existing capacity in Ameritech Structure will be determined by the actual time that the written Structure Access Request is received by the ASAC
  • To maintain position in the queue an Attaching Party must continue normal processing of the request including Field Survey, Make Ready work, and placement of facilities.
  • Changes to Structure Access Requests will be deemed to be a new request and will result in a new date being established for the priority queue. Universal Maintenance Spare

A Universal Maintenance Spare duct will be maintained in all conduit sections going forward. This consists of one (1) whole duct (typically 4' diameter) and one (1) innerduct.

  • The universal maintenance spare will be available for use by all Attaching Parties with Attachments to the conduit section for maintenance and emergency use
  • Access to a universal maintenance spare for maintenance purposes must be requested through the ASAC
  • Any party utilizing a universal maintenance spare must vacate it within 60 days or provide an equivalent spare.
  • Emergency use of the maintenance spare shall be pursuant to Ameritech's Facility Restoration policy. Available Capacity Ducts and Conduit

Unoccupied duct and/or innerduct space is assumed available for use by an Attaching Party, excluding the ducts and/or innerducts reserved for the universal maintenance spare, municipal use, or which are subject to the prior request of another Attaching Party. Ducts which are apparently vacant but can not be occupied due to blockage are not considered available. Ducts or innerducts with Attachments that have not been in service for any continuous period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, are presumed to be usable for Attachments of other Attaching Parties, but require a sixty (60) day notice to the Attachment owner before removal. Poles

Available pole capacity is unoccupied but usable space on a pole, excluding space which is subject to a pending request of another Attaching Party. Capacity Reservation

No party, including Ameritech, will be allowed to reserve space in or on Ameritech's Structure for future needs. Location of Attachments Ducts and Conduit

The preferred entrances and exits of Ameritech's conduit system for Attaching Parties will be at established openings. These openings are building entrances, points at which cable enters the ameritech's underground conduit facilities, stubbed-off ducts and preformed manhole lateral knockouts.

If the preferred entrances or exits are not available, entrance to an Ameritech manhole may be created by core boring the manhole wall, unless such engineered access to the manhole is denied by Ameritech for reasons of safety, reliability or uniformly applied engineering principles. Poles

Possible locations for Attachments are:

  • 'Overbuild Space' - defined herein as the location on the pole available for attachments a minimum of twelve inches (12') above the highest existing communications attachment and below the bottom of neutral space.
  • 'Underbuild Space' - defined herein as the location on the pole available for attachments a minimum of twelve inches (12') below the lowest existing communications attachment but adhering to the minimum NESC ground clearance requirements.
  • A 'Standoff Bracket' - a bracket that is used to place an additional attachment on an existing pole by creating minimum clearance space between cable facilities without the need to replace the pole with a longer one.
  • Overlashing - is defined as attahing an additional cable owned by the Attaching Party to an existing cable of the same Attaching Party cable.

Use of Overbuild Space, Underbuild Space, a Standoff Bracket, or Overlashing may not be permitted on poles for which Ameritech has a joint use or joint ownership agreement with a power company and the power company policies and practices prohibit such uses. Selection

Ameritech will select the location for all attachments on poles, in ducts and conduit, and in Rights-of-way. The selection will be based on safety, reliability or general engineering principles and will be applied in a nondiscriminatory fashion. Denial of Access

  • Based on the information from Structure Records, and the completed Field Survey, the ASAC will determine if the requested access to Ameritech's Structure can be provided to the Attaching Party.
  • Ameritech will not make Structure available:
    1. where, after taking all reasonable steps to accomodate such request, there is Insufficient Capacity to accomodate the requested Attachment, or
    2. an Attachment cannot be accomodated based upon nondiscriminatorily applied considerations of safety, reliability or engineering principles.
  • If the ASAC proposes to deny access to the requested Ameritech Structure, the ASAC will provide a detailed, written reason for denial within forty-five (45) days of the date of the Structure Access Request or within forty-five (45) days of the date the reason for denial is discovered or occurs.
  • If additional information is discovered while performing Make Ready Work, which would require the ASAC to deny access to its Structure, the ASAC will provide a detailed, written reason for the denial.
  • If denial is proposed for any reason, Ameritech will meet with the Attaching Party and explore reasonable alternatives to accomodate the proposed attachment. Limitation of Ameritech Construction Obligations

Ameritech is not required to construct Structure in locations where Structure does not exist in order to provide Structure to Attaching Parties. Upon request, Ameritech may consider constructing such Structure. Ameritech will make Ameritech-owned Rights-of-way available for Attaching Parties to construct Attaching Party Structure. Franchises, Permits and Consents

Attaching Party shall secure any necessary franchises, permits or consents from federal, state, county or municipal authorites and from the owners of private property, to contruct and operate its Attachments at the location of the Ameritech Structure it uses. Attaching Party shall indemnify Ameritech against loss directly resulting from any actual lack of lawful authority to occupy such Rights-of-way and construct its Attachments therein.

3.1.5 Process for Gaining Access to Ameritech Structure

Following are the major process steps that will allow Attaching Parties access to Ameritech Structure whether for poles, conduit, or Rights-of-way:

  • Information Access
  • Structure Access Request
  • Field Survey
  • Make Ready
  • Occupancy Permit
  • Construction of Attaching Party Facilities Information Access

In order to determine where Structure exists and what might be available for use, an Attaching Party may have access to Ameritech Structure Records.

  • An Attaching Party may request access to Ameritech Structure Records in one of two ways. Contact ASAC to:
    • Request to view Ameritech Structure records (Attaching Party may request copies of Structure records in all states except Illinois.)
    • Request to have Ameritech perform a records check
  • Information provided will be that which is currently on the records. Ameritech will not create additional information or gather information not currently on the records. Ameritech will not provide information in formats other than that in which it currently exists.
  • If records contain confidential or proprietary information, this infromation will be expunged before Attaching Parties may view it.
  • The apparent availability of Structure on records does not guarantee the actual availability or structural integrity of Structure. Structure Access Request

To officially request access to Ameritech structure an Attaching Party will submit a 'Structure Access Request' to the ASAC. Appropriate forms (poles, conduit, or rights-of-way) are available from the ASAC.

To qualify for the priority queue (4.2) the request must have sufficient clear information to identify the specific Structure for which access is desired and details that will specify what Field Survey activity is needed. All appropriate forms and information are available from the ASAC. Field Survey Completion of Field survey - Ducts and Conduit

  • Ameritech will complete the Field survey in accordance with standard intervals (5.6) or as agreed to with the Attaching Party.
  • If, after receipt of the Structure Access Request, Ameritech determines it will be unable to complete Field Survey work in accordance with the standard intervals, Ameritech may suggest or the Attaching Party may request that the Attaching Party or the Attaching Party's contractor be allowed to perform certain work associated with the Field Survey. The following applies in this case:
    • the Attaching Party or it's Ameritech approved contractor may prepare manholes for entry (open, test, ventilate, pump, etc.)
    • An Attaching Party representative may accompany an Ameritech representative who will perform the Field Survey work and will specify locations of Attachments
    • All standards and conditions specified in sec. 7 will be followed
    • The Attaching Party will not be allowed to perform any Field Survey work that is required to be performed by Ameritech employees pursuant to Ameritech collective bargaining agreements, work rules and policies.
    • EXCEPTION: In Ohio, Field Survey work must be performed by Ameritech personnel in compliance with collective bargaining agreements. Completion of Field Survey - Poles

  • The Attaching Party may perform the Field Survey without the accompaniment of AOC personnel or they may request Ameritech to perform the Field Survey to verfiy available pole capacity. When performing the Field Survey, the Attaching Party will be responsible for providing the AOC with information on any Make Ready work required for all existing parties with attachments on the pole.
  • In some areas agreements with Electric Companies, tarrifs, or law require joint Field Surveys. If this is the case, the ASAC will schedule the Field Survey. Completion of Field Survey - Rights-of-way

The Attaching Party will normally perform the Field survey and will be responsible to determine locations of all facilites in the rights-of-way. Scheduling

After receipt of billing authority from the Attaching Party, the ASAC will schedule a Field Survey when Ameritech is performing a survey.

  • The Attaching Party may supply a representative.
  • If the Attaching Party supplies a representative the AOC personnel will notify the Attaching Party within 24 hours of beginning the Field Survey. Guarantee of Availability

A field Survey does not guarantee the availability of Structure or integrity or capacity of the manhole to accomodate such access of ducts, innerducts, conduit and building entrance laterals. Also, the Field Survey does not imply that the ASAC has approved ducts, conduit or poles for occupancy by the Attaching Party. Results of Field Survey

If determind from records and Field Survey that access to Structure is possible without Make Ready work, an Occupancy Permit will be issued. If Make Ready work is required, Ameritech will:

  1. notify other parties of any proposed modifications to Structure to which they are attached if a notification is required (see sec. 6).
  2. provide to the Attaching Party an estimate of cost for the Make Ready work. Return of Billing Authorization

In order to keep the Structure Request active and maintain position in the Priority Queue, the Attaching Party must return the billing authorization for Make Ready work to Ameritech within 45 days of receiving the results of the Field Survey and estimated cost of Make Ready work. Make Ready Completion of Make Ready work

  • Upon receipt of billing authorization from the Attaching Party, in most cases Ameritech will complete the Make Ready work as identified by the Field Survey.
  • If Ameritech determines it will be unable to complete Make Ready work within a reasonable time, Ameritech may suggest or the Attaching Party may request to be allowed to perform or have its contractor perform certain work associsted with Make Ready subject to the following:
    • An Ameritech representative must always be available when an Attaching Party or its contractor is working in or on ducts and conduit.
    • All standards and conditions specified in sec. 7 will be followed.
    • The Attaching Party will not be allowed to perform any Make Ready work that is required to be performed by Ameritech employees pursuant to Ameritech collective bargaining agreements, work rules and policies.
    • EXCEPTION: In Illinois, Make Ready Work must be performed by Ameritech personnel in compliance with collective bargaining agreements. Force Majeure

Ameritech will not be responsible for any Make Ready work delays due to pull tapes breaking and/or innerduct couplers failing, local conditions, inability to obtain permits, acts of governmental agencies, strikes and labor actions, earthquakes, fire, floods, tornadoes, blizzards or other acts of God, delays caused by the Attaching Party, or any other condition beyond the reasonable control of Ameritech. Occupancy Permit (Excluding Ohio)

  • After successful completion of all Make Ready work associated with a Structure Request (including Make Ready work by other Attaching Parties), the ASAC will issue an Occupancy Permit to the requesting Attaching Party.
  • The Occupancy Permit shall expire if:
    • the Attaching Party has not placed and put into service its Attachments within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the Occupancy Permit is received by the Attaching Party.
    • the Attaching Party's franchise, consent or other authorization from federal, state, county or municipal entities or private property owners is terminated.
    • the Attaching Party ceases to use such attachment for any period of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.
    • the Attaching Party fails to comply with any material term or condition of these guidelines and does not correct such noncompliance within sixty (60) days after receipt of notice thereof from Ameritech.
    • Ameritech ceases to have the right or authority to maintain its Structure, or any part thereof, to which the Attaching Party has Attachments.
  • If the Attaching Party surrenders its Permit for any reason (including forfeiture under the terms of these guidelines), but fails to remove its Attachments from the Structure within one hundred eighty (180) days after the event requiring the surrender of such Permit, Ameritech shall remove the Attaching Party's Attachments at the Attaching Party's expense.
  • Structure rental rates will apply from the date the Occupancy Permit is issued.

  • After successful completion of all Make Ready Work associated with a Structure REquest (including Make Ready work by other Attaching Parties), the ASAC will issue an Occupancy Permit to the requesting Attaching Party.
  • The Occupancy Permit shall expire if the Attaching Pary has not placed an put into service its Attachments within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the Occupancy Permit is received by the Attaching Party or if the Attaching Party thereafter ceases to use such Attachments for a consecutive period of one hundred eighty (180) days.
  • Structure rental rates will apply from the date the Occupancy Permit is issued. Standard Intervals Information Access

Viewing available to Attaching Party Business Days
Receipt of Request to viewing (or copies), no expunging - 15
Receipt of request to viewing (or copies), expunging required - 25
Ameritech performs record check
Receipt of request to sending of results to Attaching Party - 15 Field Survey

Receipt of Structure Access Request (All forms must be complete with Billing Authorization and data required to identify Structure the Attaching Party wishes to occupy) to results of survey

Ducts and conduit - First 10 manholes 25
Each additional 5 manholes 2
Poles - First 25 poles 25
Each additional 25 poles 2 Make Ready

Completion intervals will be negotiated after Field Survey work is completed and the extent of Make Ready work is known.

Receipt of Billing Authorization to provision of estimated interval - 10 Conditions

  • Requests received after 12:00 noon Eastern time are considered received the following business day.
  • Intervals will be adjusted if changes are requested by the Attaching Party
  • Intervals are based on normal Ameritech workloads.
  • Intervals are subject to extensions for